
We are proud to offer a diverse scholarship programme which provides wonderful opportunities for boys with exceptional academic, cultural or sporting abilities. 

Otago Boys’ High School is renowned for its top-class facilities, dedicated teaching staff, and a comprehensive academic and co-curricular programme, which supports scholarship students to develop special talents to their full potential.


Foundation Entrance Scholarships 

The OBHS Foundation grants $500 entrance scholarships to up to nine prospective Year 9 students - three scholarships for each of the following categories ; academic, cultural, and sporting. 

To apply for one of these scholarships please click on the link below.

Foundation Entrance Scholarships – Balmacewen Intermediate School

To recognise our long-standing and valued relationship with Balmacewen Intermediate School we are pleased to provide $500 entrance scholarships to up to three prospective Year 9 students - one scholarship for each of the following categories ; academic, cultural, sporting.  To apply for one of these scholarships please click on the link below.

Applications usually close 1 October each year for commencement in the following school year.  Decisions may be made on a rolling basis as applications are received.

G.A. McLauchlan Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship has been generously provided by Grant McLauchlan, OBHS Old Boy 1980-1984 and Managing Director of CrestClean.  It recognises academic performance, sport and other extracurricular participation at school, leadership achievement, and outstanding class attendance.  There are three awards of $1,000 , one for each of the Year levels 10, 11 and 12. The Otago Boys’ High School Foundation is pleased to be associated with the award of this scholarship.

2024 applications have now closed.  The awards will be announced at the senior and junior prizegivings at the end of the year.  Please read the scholarship regulations and information before making an application.